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C18 Columns

HPLC columns with octadecyl (ODS or C18) functionalized phases. GL Sciences C18 columns feature high end-capping resulting in extremely low operating back-pressure, superior inertness and wide solvent compatibility. Inertsil ODS columns have long been widely used in the analysis of compounds in pharmaceutical, food & beverage, mining, petrochemical and other industries. New InertSustain and InertCore C18 columns further provide more features and better performance. Explore our selection of C18 columns available in a wide variety of particle sizes and dimensions. Read more

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Generally, silica based columns are mechanically stable and provide high efficiencies, however, they cannot be used under alkaline conditions and their residual silanol groups tend to adsorb organic bases. InertSustain C18 employs a radically new type of silica, in which the surface of the silica is uniquely modified, enabling precise con...
From $191.00
InertSustain AQ-C18 columns are designed to achieve strong retention for highly polar compounds, which is the most challenging goals in developing reversed phase methods. The optimization of bonding of the C18 groups at equal distance to the silica gel enable InertSustain AQ-C18 columns to offer significant retention for highly polar comp...
From $191.00
Increasing Efficiency, Throughput and Productivity InertSustainSwift C18 columns are designed to deliver rapid separations with symmetric peaks to minimize analysis time as much as possible. InertSustainSwift C18 is also ideal for LC-MS and LC-MS/MS methods which offer highly sensitive results and enables MS compatible buffers to be u...
From $191.00
InertSustain AX-C18 is a mix-mode column bonded with C18 groups and tertiary amino groups. It provides hydrophobic interaction and electrostatic interaction by Anion Exchange group works. By controlling the amount of Anion Exchange group, acidic compounds can be eluted even in the buffer concentration range used with LC/MS. Specificat...
From $191.00
The High Performance Core-shell Column For UHPLC/HPLC Specifications • Base Material: Core-shell type silica gel • Particle Size: 2.6 µm • Solid Core: 2.0 µm • Surface Area: 200 m2/g • Pore Size: 90 Å (9 nm) • Functional Group: Octadecyl • End-capping: Yes • Carbon Loading: 15% • USP Code: L1 • pH Range: 1 - 10 •...
From $455.00
The 200 Å pore size silica creates the opportunity to separate compounds having a molecular weight from small to large molecules. In addition, the usage of highly inert packing material packed into a new Steel-Coated-PEEK hardware deliver excellent peak shapes for various analytes without any adsorption. Specifications • Base Material...
From $1,119.00
Designed for advanced protein analysis, the ProteoSil 300-C18 column offers the ideal capabilities when enhanced retention and sample load are critical for C4 or C8 columns.
From $246.00
Ideal for mid-sized molecules, the ProteoSil 200-C18 column allows for separation across 100Å pore columns and is easy to clean for faster analysis.
From $246.00
Offering high inertness and durability, the ProteoSil 100-C18 is perfect for analyzing low-molecular-weight compounds, enhancing sensitivity in LC-MS applications.
From $391.00
Ultra High Retentivity Ideal for Separation of Basic Molecules & its Related Substances, Process Impurities Inertsil ODS-HL employs a highly inert packing material which provides pure hydrophobic interaction between analytes without generating any secondary interaction delivering sharp peaks. High-Density bonding of C18 phase delivers ...
From $191.00
Inertsil ODS-4 delivers the same extreme inertness to any type of compounds just like InertSustain C18 along with unprecedented stability under 100 % aqueous mobile phases for qualitative and quantitative analysis. However, as the base silica gel and carbon loading are different on Inertsil ODS-4, differences in selectivity can be observe...
From $191.00
Inertsil ODS-4 columns have proven superior worldwide for analysis of strong pharmaceutical bases, acids, chelating compounds, and zwitterions. The long-awaited validated Inertsil ODS-4V has now been added to our product lineup. Each Inertsil ODS-4V is delivered with a Manufacturer’s Validation Certificate showing the detailed results ...
From $573.00
Inertsil ODS-3 is still GL Sciences’ most popular phase and continues to be used widely and reliably for long-established methods in pharmaceutical, and contract research labs. Inertsil ODS-3 columns have a relatively strong retentivity compared to commercially available ODS columns. In addition, the introduction of higher surface area si...
From $191.00
Inertsil ODS-3V offers all of the outstanding chromatographic benefits of Inertsil ODS-3 with the added benefit of a more thoroughly documented, validated QC procedure consistent with the demands of GLP/GMP compliance. Each Inertsil ODS-3V is delivered with a Manufacturer‘s Validation Certificate showing the detailed results of every QA ...
From $573.00
Inertsil ODS-SP is super base deactivated and optimally bonded to retain hydrophilic compounds without excessive retention of hydrophobic compounds achieving better separations faster than before. As the carbon load of Inertsil ODS-SP is relatively low, it is compatible with 100 % aqueous eluents and offer faster equilibration of column f...
From $191.00
GL Sciences offers a polymerically bonded ODS-P phase which provide high steric selectivity for separation of planar and non-planar compounds. nertsil ODS-P columns are also ideal for the HPLC analysis of 16 PAH compounds, listed as target pollutants by the US EPA. Specifications • Silica : 3 Series High Purity Silica Gel • Particle ...
From $191.00
Inertsil ODS-EP contains a polar functional group embedded between the silica surface and the C18 group. The embedded polar group makes the C18 phase stable in 100 % aqueous eluents without "phase collapse." This phase is also extremely "base deactivated" and provides superior peak shape for acids and bases in organic eluents as well a...
From $191.00
Inertsil WP300 C18 (wide pore size of 300 Å) columns bring the same legendary performance of Inertsil's narrow-pore HPLC products to columns designed specifically for the reproducible separations of proteins and peptides. The results of GL Sciences’ original end-capping technique provide high efficiency and good peak shape for proteins an...
From $191.00
Inertsil ODS-2 columns have a pore size of 150 Å offering symmetric peaks for bases, acids with low pressure. When Inertsil ODS-2 was introduced in 1987s, this HPLC transformed the entire industry. Inertsil ODS-2 was the first HPLC phase created using ultra high purity silica, which produced superior base deactivation. Inertsil ODS-2 is o...
From $255.00
Inertsil ODS columns are general purpose, reversed phase C18 columns available in 5 μm and 10 μm particle sizes. It was the first ODS bonded phase introduced from GL Sciences back in 1986. We recommend InertSustain C18 or Inertsil ODS-4 columns for all new method development. Specifications • Silica : Spherical Silica Gel • Parti...
From $255.00
SKU# 5020-85811
SKU# 5020-85812
SKU# 5020-85813
SKU# 5020-85814
SKU# 5020-85815
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SKU# 5020-85816
SKU# 5020-85821
SKU# 5020-85822
SKU# 5020-85823
SKU# 5020-85824
SKU# 5020-85825
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SKU# 5020-85826
SKU# 5020-05810
SKU# 5020-05811
SKU# 5020-05812

C18 Columns Specification​

Column Features USP Code Particle Size (µm) Pore Size (nm) Surface Area (m2/g) Carbon Loading  End-Capping  Inertness
Recommended pH range
InertSustain C18 First choice with ultra-high inertness and high durability


2, 3, 5, 10

10 350 14 Yes ★★★★★ 1 - 10
InertSustain AQ-C18  First choice for high polar compounds L1, L96 1.9, 3, 5 10 350 13 Yes ★★★★★ 1 - 10
InertSustainSwift C18  First analysis with ultra-high inertness and high durability L1 1.9, 3, 5 20 200 9 Yes ★★★★★ 1 - 10
InertSustain AX-C18 Analysis of anionic highly polar compounds L1, L78 3, 5  20 200 8 Yes ★★★★ 1 - 9
InertCore Plus C18 Ideal for analyses requiring a high number of theoretical stages  L1 2.6 9 200 15  Yes ★★★★ 1 - 10
Inertsil ODS-HL Ultra-high retentivity, High-density bonding of C18 phase L1 3, 5 10 450 23 Yes ★★★★★ 2 - 7.5
Inertsil ODS-4 Ultra-high inertness, High plate count, Medium retentivity L1 2, 3, 5 10 450 11 Yes ★★★★★ 2 - 7.5
Inertsil ODS-4V Inertsil ODS-4 Validated column L1 3, 5 10 450 11 Yes ★★★★★ 2 - 7.5
Inertsil ODS-3 Strong retentivity, Lower column backpressure, Very inert L1 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 10 450 15 Yes ★★★★ 2 - 7.5
Inertsil ODS-3V Inertsil ODS-3 Validated column  L1 3, 5 10 450 15 Yes ★★★★ 2 - 7.5
Inertsil ODS-SP Weak retentivity, for hydrophobic compounds L1 3, 5 10 450 8.5 Yes ★★★★ 2 - 7.5
Inertsil ODS-P  High steric selectivity L1 3, 5 10 450 29 None ★★★  2 - 7.5
Inertsil ODS-EP  A polar functional group embedded  L1 5 10 450 9 None ★★★★ 2 - 7.5
Inertsil WP300 C18  Analysis of high molecules  L1 5 30 150 9 Yes ★★★★ 2 - 7.5
Inertsil ODS-2 Ultra-pure silica gel is used L1 5 15 320 18.5 Yes ★★★★ 2 - 7.5
Inertsil ODS Inertness 1st generation  L1 5, 10 10 350 14 Yes ★★ 2 - 7.5

History of GL Sciences C18 Column Development


We have been steadily supplying columns from first-generation Inertsil ODS to the latest InertSustain series integrating state-of-the-art technologies, establishing an excellent reputation worldwide. The same high-quality, high-performance columns are provided to all customers.

GL Sciences HPLC columns worldwide
History of GL Sciences C18 Column Development

C18 Column Selection

Compounds with Molecular Weight <5,000

C18 columns selection based on retention
C18 columns selection based on selectivity

Compounds with Molecular Weight <5,000

C18 columns selection for high molecular weight compounds

C18 Columns Resources:​

  • Download GL Sciences 2022 HPLC Column Catalog - Download & Discover GL Sciences' C18 Columns
  • Search Application Notes For C18 Columns - Applications Search (C18 Columns)
  • HPLC C18 Columns’ Specifications -  Summary of GL Sciences HPLC Column Specifications. Learn More
  • HPLC C18 Column Selection Overview - Separation mode selection for analyte polarity & HPLC column selection for analyte properties. Learn More
  • HPLC Column Selection By USP -  Recommended GL Sciences HPLC Columns based on USP Code. Learn More
  • HPLC Column End Fittings -  Summary of GL Sciences' end-fitting style & recommended operating pressure. Learn More
  • Reversed Phase HPLC Column Selection Guide - Download Reverse Phase HPLC Column Selection Guide. Learn More
  • How to Select a Guard Column - Download guide to select the right guard column. Learn More
  • Choosing Preparative Column -  Download Guide to select the right preparative column. Learn More