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MonoSpin C18

Brand: MonoSpin
MonoSpin C18 is an octadecyl functionalized spin column which is ideal for desalting & enrichment of peptides and drug extraction in biological samples. MonoSpin columns utilize a silica monolith disk media with high liquid permeability and large surface area providing fast sample diffusion and high recovery compared to regular particle based media.

High flow columns (FF) with larger through-pore size available.


• Stationary phase: Octadecyl
• Through-pore: 5 µm (S-type) / 10 µm (L-type) / 20 µm (S-type FF)
• Mesopore: 10 nm / 15 nm (FF)
• Surface area: 350 m2/g / 300 m2/g (FF)
• Sample loading capacity: 100 μg (Amitriptyline) / 50 μg (Amitriptyline; FF)

Available formats: S-type spin column, L-type large volume reservoir, 96-well plate



Purification of Amphetamines in urine using MonoSpin C18

MonoSpin C18 spin column Purification of Amphetamines

Desalination of protein digestion using MonoSpin C18

MonoSpin C18 spin column Desalination of protein digestion


6 Items
S Type spin column
50 pcs.
S Type spin column
100 pcs.
L Type large volume reservoir spin column
30 pcs.
S Type spin column
50 pcs.
S Type spin column
100 pcs.
96-Well Plate
1 pc.


There are application notes for MonoSpin C18.


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