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HPLC Columns

GL Sciences columns provide excellent separation and resolution of target compounds featuring new high-purity evolved surface silica. GL Sciences columns silica base is uniquely modified to provide maximum column performance including low operating back-pressure, high inertness, high efficiency and wide solvent compatibility. Get the appropriate column from a large selection of column configurations and formats compatible with many HPLC methods including analytical, preparative, capillary HPLC and UHPLC. Read more

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For specialized analysis of peptides, nucleic acids, and antibodies.
Inertsil ODS-3 is still GL Sciences’ most popular phase and continues to be used widely and reliably for long-established methods in pharmaceutical, and contract research labs. Inertsil ODS-3 columns have a relatively strong retentivity compared to commercially available ODS columns. In addition, the introduction of higher surface area si...
From $191.00
Inertsil ODS-3V offers all of the outstanding chromatographic benefits of Inertsil ODS-3 with the added benefit of a more thoroughly documented, validated QC procedure consistent with the demands of GLP/GMP compliance. Each Inertsil ODS-3V is delivered with a Manufacturer‘s Validation Certificate showing the detailed results of every QA ...
From $573.00
InertSustain C30 is an HPLC column in which triacontyl groups are chemically bonded to silica gel. This column has high stereoselectivity and excellent separation ability for isomers and structurally similar compounds with high lipophilicity. Specifications • Base Material : High Purity ES Silica Gel • Particle Size : 3 μm, 5 μm •...
From $191.00
Generally, silica based columns are mechanically stable and provide high efficiencies, however, they cannot be used under alkaline conditions and their residual silanol groups tend to adsorb organic bases. InertSustain C18 employs a radically new type of silica, in which the surface of the silica is uniquely modified, enabling precise con...
From $191.00
SKU# 5020-10860
SKU# 5020-90666
SKU# 5020-10862

HPLC Column Types​

GL Sciences offers different column types to support all major separation modes used in HPLC:

Non-polar phases including alkyl phases such as C18, C8, C4 and other functionalities such as phenyl and cyano groups. GL Sciences provides a diverse range of reverse phases for different analyte retentivities and selectivities by group modification. A high degree of analyte targeting can be achieved using our selection of reverse phases.

ColumnFeaturesUSP CodeMicron (µm)Pore Size (nm)Surface Area (m2/g)
InertSustain C18First choice with ultra high inertness and high durabilityL12, 3, 5, 1010350
InertSustain AQ-C18First choice for high polar compoundsL1, L961.9, 3, 510350
InertSustainSwift C18First analysis with ultra high inertness and high durabilityL11.9, 3, 520200
InertSustain AX-C18Analysis of anionic highly polar compoundsL1, L783, 520200
InertCore Plus C18Ideal for analyses requiring a high number of theoretical stagesL12.69200
Inertsil ODS-HLUltra high retentivity, High-density bonding of C18 phaseL13, 510450
Inertsil ODS-4Ultra high inertness, High plate count, Medium retentivityL12, 3, 510450
Inertsil ODS-4VInertsil ODS-4 Validated columnL13, 510450
Inertsil ODS-3Strong retentivity, Lower column backpressure, Very inertL12, 3, 4, 5, 1010450
Inertsil ODS-3VInertsil ODS-3 Validated columnL13, 510450
Inertsil ODS-SPWeak retentivity, for hydrophobic compoundsL13, 510450
Inertsil ODS-PHigh steric selectivityL13, 510450
Inertsil ODS-EPA polar functional group embeddedL1510450
Inertsil WP300 C18Analysis of high moleculesL1530150
Inertsil ODS-2Ultra pure silica gel is usedL1515320
Inertsil ODSInertness 1st generationL15, 1010350
InertSustain C8First choice with ultra high inertness and high durabilityL72, 3, 510350
InertSustainSwift C8High inertness and high durability C8 columnL71.9, 3, 520200
Inertsil C8-4Ultra high inertness, High plate count, Low retentivityL72, 3, 510450
Inertsil C8-3Strong retentivity, Lower column backpressure, Very inertL72, 3, 5, 1010450
Inertsil C8Ultra pure silica gel is usedL7515320
Inertsil C4Low retentivityL26515320
Inertsil WP300 C8Suitable for high moleculesL7530150
Inertsil WP300 C4Suitable for high moleculesL26530150
InertSustain PFPExtremely Strong retention of highly polar basic compoundsL433, 510350
InertSustain PhenylhexylStrong π-π interactions and hydrophobic interactionsL113, 510350
InertSustain PhenylExtremely strong π-π interactionsL112, 3, 510350
Inertsil Ph-3Strong π-π interactionsL112, 3, 510450
Inertsil PhHigh inertness, Weak π-π interactionsL11515320
InertSustain CyanoUltra inertness and can be used in reversed phase modeL103, 510350

Phases providing high retentivity of polar compounds in immobilized water layers on the stationary phase surface in hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) mode. Our choice of funtionalities allow for an excellent spread of different separation patterns for the analysis of compounds such as sugars.

ColumnFeaturesUSP CodeMicron (µm)Pore Size (nm)Surface Area (m2/g)
InertSustain AmideFirst choice for HILIC modeL683, 510350
Inertsil HILICSeparation of highly polar basic compoundsL203, 510450
InertSustain NH2First choice for sugar analysisL83, 510350
Inertsil NH2Sugar analysis, High retentive in normal phase modeL83, 510450
Inertsil AmideIncreasing retentivity of high polar compoundsL683, 510450

Phases with ionizable functional groups having high ion exchange capacities are available for both anion and cation exchange chromatography. We feature popular groups for wide method compatibility. In addition, mix-mode columns featuring alkyl groups are available for alternate selectivity.

ColumnFeaturesUSP CodeMicron (µm)Pore Size (nm)Surface Area (m2/g)
Inertsil AXAnion-exchange column510450
Inertsil CXCation-exchange columnL9510450
InertSustain AX-C18Analysis of anionic highly polar compoundsL1, L783, 520200

High performance phases for retentivity of polar compounds. Our normal phases are available a wide range of pore sizes (10-30 nm) for excellent choice in retentivity and selectivity in analysis of up to large molecules.

ColumnFeaturesUSP CodeMicron (µm)Pore Size (nm)Surface Area (m2/g)
Inertsil DiolFirst choice for normal phase mode, For SECL203, 510450
Inertsil SIL-100AUltra pure silica gel with 100Å pore sizeL33, 510450
Inertsil SIL-150AUltra pure silica gel with 150Å pore sizeL3515320
Inertsil WP300 SILUltra pure silica gel with 300Å pore sizeL3530150
Inertsil CN-3Can be also used in reversed phase modeL103, 510450
InertSustain CyanoUltra inertness and can be used in reversed phase modeL103, 510350

Columns featuring diol phases in convenient pore sizes that are compatible with aqueous (GFC) or organic (GPC) size-exclusion chromatography. Our columns are available in smaller inner diameters for solvent saving, low-cost analysis. Serial coupling using different GL Sciences SEC columns allows for analysis of a broad range of molecular weights. 

ColumnFeaturesUSP CodeMicron (µm)Pore Size (nm)Surface Area (m2/g)
Inertsil WP300 DiolHigh molecule SEC, Can be also used in normal phase modeL20, L33530150
Inertsil DiolFirst choice for normal phase mode, For SECL203, 510450

HPLC Column Selection Guide


Separation Mode Selection for Analyte Polarity

Separation Mode Selection for Analyte Polarity

Column Selection for Analyte Properties


Column Selection for Vitamins

Column selection for vitamins
List of vitamins

Column Selection for Sugars and Nucleic acids

Column Selection for Sugars and nucleic acids

Column Selection for Medicines

Column Selection for Medicines

Column Selection for Organic acids

Column Selection for Organic acids

Column Selection for Amino acids

Column Selection for Amino acids

Column Selection for Proteins and Peptides

Column selection for Proteins and Peptides

Column Selection for Pesticides, Veterinary medicines, Aldehydes and Polymers

Column selection for Pesticides, Veterinary Medicines, Aldehydes and Polymers

HPLC Columns Resources:​

  • Download GL Sciences 2022 HPLC Columns Catalog — Download
  • Download GL Sciences 2022 InertSustain Catalog— Latest HPLC Column Technology Download
  • Search Application Notes For HPLC Columns — Search Applications Database
  • HPLC Columns’ Specification — Summary of GL Sciences HPLC Column Specifications. Learn More
  • HPLC Column Selection Overview — Separation mode selection for analyte polarity & HPLC column selection for analyte properties. Learn More
  • HPLC Column Selection By USP — Recommended GL Sciences HPLC Columns based on USP Code. Learn More
  • HPLC Column End Fittings — Summary of GL Sciences' end-fitting style & recommended operating pressure. Learn More
  • Reversed Phase HPLC Column Selection Guide— Download Reverse Phase HPLC Column Selection Guide. Learn More
  • Normal Phase Selection Guide — Download Normal Phase HPLC Column Selection Guide. Learn More
  • How to Select a Guard Column — Download guide to select the right guard column. Learn More
  • Choosing a Preparative Column — Download Guide to select the right preparative column. Learn More