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InertCore Plus C18

Brand: InertCore
The High Performance Core-shell Column For UHPLC/HPLC


• Base Material: Core-shell type silica gel
• Particle Size: 2.6 µm
• Solid Core: 2.0 µm
• Surface Area: 200 m2/g
• Pore Size: 90 Å (9 nm)
• Functional Group: Octadecyl
• End-capping: Yes
• Carbon Loading: 15%
• USP Code: L1
• pH Range: 1 - 10
• Max Pressure: 100 MPa (2.1 mm I.D.), 60 MPa (3.0 mm I.D., 4.6 mm I.D.)



High Performance Core-Shell Column For UHPLC/HPLC


The molecules of the target analytes pass through the fine pores in the particles in the packing material. Core-shell particles are formed around a solid non-porous core, resulting in less diffusion inside the fine pore structure. This differs from the more traditional fully porous particle. When using a core-shell column, the distribution of molecules in the peak is narrower when the target compound is eluted from the column, resulting in a greater number of theoretical plates.

Core-Shell type packing material

Conventional fully porous packing material

  • The effect of multiple-path diffusion is significantly reduced by improving the particle size distribution homogeneity to the highest achievable limits. 
  • A 2.6μm core-shell packing material achieves a comparable number of theoretical plates as a Sub 2μm fully porous packing material, but with the same back-pressure as a column using 3μm fully porous packing material.
  • The theoretical plates are improved by reducing diffusion inside the particle.


Comparison with Products from Other Suppliers


The InertCore Plus C18 columns are subjected to rigorous internal quality control from bare silica manufacturing to inspection, resulting in superior reproducibility due to shell layer homogeneity.

SEM image

InertCore Plus C18

Core-shell columns from other suppliers

Compare with other core-shell brand columns, InertCore Plus C18 delivery extremely stable batch-to-batch performance.

Particle size distribution

InertCore Plus C18



Superior Reproducibility


The InertCore Plus C18 columns are subjected to rigorous internal quality control from bare silica manufacturing to inspection, resulting in superior reproducibility due to shell layer homogeneity.


High Durability


InertCore Plus C18 has high durability demonstrating that the performance for retention time, theoretical plate and symmetry factor is maintained even after 2000 continuous injections.


Suitable for Both General Purpose HPLC and UHPLC


The results of analyses performed with the InertCore Plus C18 on two different HPLC systems, under the same conditions are shown. Peak shapes are excellent in both cases and equivalent chromatograms were obtained.

When UHPLC is used

When general purpose HPLC is used

*To eliminate the effect of system volume, plumbing size, etc. A general purpose HPLC system is optimized.


Filter products by these criteria:

15 Items
2.6 µm
50 mm
2.1 mm
2.6 µm
100 mm
2.1 mm
2.6 µm
150 mm
2.1 mm
2.6 µm
50 mm
3.0 mm
2.6 µm
100 mm
3.0 mm
2.6 µm
150 mm
3.0 mm
2.6 µm
50 mm
4.6 mm
2.6 µm
100 mm
4.6 mm
2.6 µm
150 mm
4.6 mm
2.6 µm
20 mm
2.1 mm


There are application notes for InertCore Plus C18.


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