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Equivalent to Zorbax Eclipse Plus C18


GL Sciences® InertsustainSwift C18 Column

GL Sciences InertSustainSwift C18 offer an excellent alternative to Agilent Zorbax Eclipse Plus C18 Column .


Increasing Efficiency, Throughput and Productivity

InertSustainSwift C18 columns are designed to deliver rapid separations with symmetric peaks to minimize analysis time as much as possible. InertSustainSwift C18 is also ideal for LC-MS and LC-MS/MS methods which offer highly sensitive results and enables MS compatible buffers to be used due to the extremely inert silica gel.


  • Rapid elution of samples in isocratic methods
  • Rapid column equilibration
  • Highly inert packing material results in less tailing of peaks for virtually any type of analytes
  • Extreme resistance to low and high pH mobile phases
  • Excellent stability to 100 % aqueous mobile phase
  • Endlessly reproducible from column-to-column and batch-to-batch


Recommended Equivalent for Agilent C18 Columns :

  • Zorbax Eclipse Plus C18 Column
  • Pursuit XRS Ultra 2.8 C18


As shown in Figure 1, InertSustainSwift C18 maintains the same extreme inertness, wide pH range and provide rapid separations with symmetric peaks. The optimization of surface area, pore size and chemical bonding delivers superior peak shapes (Figure 2). Figure 3 proves InertSustainSwift C18 is also ideal for LC/MS/MS applications which offer highly sensitive results and enables MS compatible buffers to be used due to the extremely inert silica gel.

Figure 1 : Comparison of Retentivity

Figure 2 : Rapid LC/MS/MS Analysis of Basic Drugs

Figure 3 : Analysis of BSA Digests



Filter products by these criteria:

267 Items
50 mm
2.1 mm
1.9 µm
100 mm
2.1 mm
1.9 µm
150 mm
2.1 mm
1.9 µm
50 mm
3.0 mm
1.9 µm
100 mm
3.0 mm
1.9 µm
150 mm
3.0 mm
1.9 µm


There are application notes for InertSustainSwift C18.


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