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Solutions for Testing & Analysis of PFAS Compounds in the Environment

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are resistant to degradation and are highly persistent compounds in the environment. Today, PFAS contamination is a major concern in drinking water, soil, air, and animal tissue leading to stringent new regulations for testing and analysis of these compounds.

GL Sciences strives to support initiatives toward managing the contamination of PFAS compounds in the environment. We provide a diverse range of solutions for various steps in the workflow for PFAS analysis, designed to meet rigorous modern regulatory requirements.


PFAS Testing & Analysis Products


SPE Columns for PFAS Testing & Sample Preparation

Efficiently purify PFAS samples using InertSep SPE columns. InertSep columns provide excellent sample recovery and are compatible with major methods for PFAS analysis. Select from multiple column formats and sizes to easily scale your process.

SPE Columns Product Line

InertSep MA-2InertSep MA-2 is a methacrylate polymer-based sorbent modified with, which includes a weak anion exchange function group. Because polymer base gel occurs little secondary interaction, SPE by genuine anion exchange interaction can be achieved with this sorbent. 
InertSep WAXInertSep WAX FF is a sorbent based on styrene divinylbenzene polymer modified by a weak anion-exchange group. Its reversed-phase, anion-exchange action and exceptional retention of acidic compounds make it suitable for purification of samples containing basic and neutral impurities. By controlling the pH, it can be used to recover acidic compounds under basic conditions.
InertSep PLS-3InertSep PLS-3 is a copolymer based sorbent comprised of nitrogen-containing methacrylate and SDB, it exhibits a wide enough range of retention capability from highly polar to hydrophobic compounds.
InertSep PLS-2InertSep PLS-2 is a SDB (Styrene divinylbenzene) polymer-based reversed phase mode sorbent. Compared to a silica based C18 sorbent, InertSep PLS-2 has a quite higher sorbent retentive capacity and better stability in pH range.
InertSep HLBInertSep HLB is a solid-phase extraction column that can effectively extract compounds with a wide range of physical properties from non-polar to high polar.
InertSep GCInertSep GC cartridges are packed with graphite carbon in planar structure. They are generally used for removal of pigments from crop homogenates. In conjunction with other various normal phase sorbents and ion exchange sorbents, these cartridges are able to be used for a wide variety of applications as a cleanup sorbent.

Select suitable phases for the appropriate separation mode of your method.


Easily scale your workflow for the necessary size and speed with different column sizes


Elution using InertSep provides excellent recovery of samples even with small amounts of solvent.


SPE cartridge: InertSep MA-2 250 mg
Solvent: 0.1% ammonium methanol
Elution volume: 1 mL x 10


FM4: Air Sampler for PFAS

Simplify your sampling process for PFAS compounds in air with GL Sciences' FM4 Air Sampler for PFAS. The FM4 can comprehensively sample existing PFAS compounds in atmospheric particulate and the gaseous phase in one sampling in a compact and portable package. Streamline your sampling process for PFAS in air today.


The FM4 Air Sampler for PFAS is a low-volume air sampler that can comprehensively sample various types of PFAS compounds in air. The FM4 uses multiple different adsorbents to capture existing PFAS compounds in both atmospheric particulate and gaseous phase in one sampling. The FM4 can sample PFAS compounds such as FTOH, PFSA, FOSA, and many other PFAS compounds of high interest with a high recovery rate.

  • Comprehensively samples various types of PFAS compounds in air
  • Simultaneous sampling using several different adsorbent layers
  • Captures high-interest PFAS compounds such as FTOH and PFSA
  • Excellent recovery rate of target compounds
  • Compact and portable package

Excellent Recovery Rate for Volatile PFAS such as FTOHs and FOSEs. The FM4 boasts high recovery rates of gaseous and particulate PFAS.


Compact and Portable design with easy set-up


LC Columns for PFAS Analysis

GL Sciences HPLC columns are method-compatible and provide excellent separation of PFAS compounds. GL Sciences HPLC columns for PFAS analysis include a selection of high-performance C18 analytical columns and a delay column for reducing noise from background PFAS.

LC Columns Product Line

InertSustain AQ-C18InertSustain AQ-C18 columns are designed to achieve strong retention for highly polar compounds, which is the most challenging goals in developing reversed phase methods. The optimization of bonding of the C18 groups at equal distance to the silica gel enable InertSustain AQ-C18 columns to offer significant retention for highly polar compounds even under water rich mobile phases.
InertSustain C18Generally, silica based columns are mechanically stable and provide high efficiencies, however, they cannot be used under alkaline conditions and their residual silanol groups tend to adsorb organic bases. InertSustain C18 employs a radically new type of silica, in which the surface of the silica is uniquely modified, enabling precise control of the silica properties. InertSustain C18 inherits the advantages of all the current Inertsil HPLC columns (e.g., extremely low operating back pressure, superior inertness to typically any analytes, high efficiency and compatibility with a wide range of solvents), but now can be used for wide pH analysis with consistent performance from column to column and lot to lot.
Delay Column for PFASDelay Column for PFAS is packed with high-purity activated carbon, which is able to retain contaminants originating from the mobile phase or the LC system. Elution of retained contaminants is delayed allowing for the effects of the contaminants on the analysis to be reduced. This column is quite useful for PFAS (Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances) analysis on LC/MS.

GL Sciences C18 phases such as InertSustain C18 and InertSustain AQ-C18 deliver excellent separation performance and resolution of PFAS compounds.


The Delay Column for PFAS provides better separation by isolating background PFAS from the LC system and mobile phase and is installed between the pump and autosampler/injector.


The resolution for the sample PFAS is substantially improved with excellent isolation from the Delay Column for PFAS


InertSustain HPLC columns are designed to provide exceptional stability, reproducibility, and performance. Employing a radically new type of silica, InertSustain columns are highly end-capped for superior inertness and compatibility with a wide range of solvents.


Other Recommended PFAS Testing & Analysis Products

1030-14000High Purity PP Vial (Screw) 0.3ML HIGH PURITY PP SCREW VIAL 100/PK CLEAR0.3ML HIGH PURITY PP
1030-72000High Purity PP Vial with Caps(Snap) 9-425 PP green screw cap alumi/silicone 100pcs(cap color green)
1030-72001High Purity PP Vial with Caps(Snap) 9-425 PP yellow screw cap alumi/silicone 100pcs(cap color yellow)
1030-14004High Purity PP Vial (Screw) 0.3 mL 1000 pcs.
1010-68142InertCap Pure-WAX GC Column, 30 m x 0.25 mm, 0.25 µm df

EPA & ISO Methods for PFAS Detection & Testing

GL Sciences supports major PFAS detection & testing methods from regulatory bodies in the U.S. and internationally with various solutions from sampling of PFAS to sample preparation and analysis. Refer to references below to see how you can use GL Sciences solutions for your workflow.

GL Sciences PFAS EPA Method 537.1

EPA Method 537.1

EPA Method 537.1 is commonly used to test PFAS in drinking water compliance. EPA Method 537.1 analyzes 14 compounds from the original EPA Method 537 and 4 replacement compounds.

GL Sciences provides InertSep PLS-2 SPE column for sample preparation and InertSustain AQ-C18 with a Delay Column for analysis using LC-MS/MS.

GL Sciences PFAS EPA Method 533

EPA Method 533

EPA Method 533 analyzes drinking water and is complementary to EPA Method 537.1. EPA Method 533 tests 25 compounds.

GL Sciences provides InertSep MA-2 and InertSep WAX SPE columns for sample preparation. The same InertSustain AQ-C18 with a Delay Column can be used for analysis using LC-MS/MS. 


List of PFAS testing methods 

For other methods and associated products, please refer to the following list:

 Method nameYear publishedForNumber of compounds analyzedInstrumentationAssociated products
ISO 25101: 2009Water quality — Determination of perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) — Method for unfiltered samples using solid phase extraction and liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry2009Drinking water, Ground water, Surface water2LC-MS/MSInertSep PLS-2, Delay Column for PFAS, InertSustain AQ-C18
ISO 21675: 2019Water quality — Determination of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in water — Method using solid phase extraction and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)2019Drinking water, Natural water (fresh water and sea water), Waste water containing <2g/L solid particulate material (SPM)30LC-MS/MSInertSep WAX, Delay Column for PFAS, InertSustain AQ-C18
EPA Method 533Determination of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Drinking Water by Isotope Dilution Anion Exchange Solid Phase Extraction and Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry2019Drinking water25LC-MS/MSInertSep WAX, InertSep MA-2, Delay Column for PFAS, InertSustain AQ-C18
EPA Method 537.1Method 537.1: Determination of Selected Per- and Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances in Drinking Water by Solid Phase Extraction and Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS/MS)2018 (2020)Drinking water14LC-MS/MSInertSep PLS-2, Delay Column for PFAS, InertSustain AQ-C18
EPA Draft Method 8327Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) by Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS/MS)2021Surface water, Ground water, Waste water matrices24LC-MS/MSDelay Column for PFAS, InertSustain AQ-C18
EPA Draft Method 8328--Surface water, Ground water, Waste water solids25LC-MS/MSDelay Column for PFAS, InertSustain AQ-C18
EPA Draft Method 8329--Soil24LC-MS/MSDelay Column for PFAS, InertSustain AQ-C18
EPA Method 1633 (Third Draft)Analysis of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Aqueous, Solid, Biosolids, and Tissue Samples by LC-MS/MS2021 (2024)Aqueous, Solid, Biosolids, and Tissue samples40LC-MS/MSInertSep WAX, InertSep MA-2, InertSep GC, Delay Column for PFAS, InertSustain AQ-C18
ASTM D7979-20Standard Test Method for Determination of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Water, Sludge, Influent, Effluent, and Wastewater by Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS/MS)2020Water, Sludge, Influent, Effluent, and Wastewater21LC-MS/MSDelay Column for PFAS, InertSustain AQ-C18
ASTM D7968-17aStandard Test Method for Determination of Polyfluorinated Compounds in Soil by Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS/MS)2014 (2023)Environmental solids: Soil, Sediment, Sludge30LC-MS/MSDelay Column for PFAS, InertSustain AQ-C18
DIN 38407-42:2011German standard methods for the examination of water, waste water and sludge2011Water, Waste water, and sludge10LC-MS/MSInertSep WAX, InertSep MA-2, Delay Column for PFAS, InertSustain AQ-C18
ASTM D8421-22Standard Test Method for Determination of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Aqueous Matrices by Co-solvation followed by Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS/MS)2022Aqueous matrices44LC-MS/MSDelay Column for PFAS, InertSustain AQ-C18

PFAS Detection & Testing Applications


Find reference analyses from our list of available applications for PFAS compounds.


PFAS Testing & Analysis Resources


PFAS Testing Solution Guide


Methods of PFAS Analysis


Analysis of PFAS in Water using Active Carbon Delay Column


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Connect with a GL Sciences PFAS specialist today. Send us your questions, and our team will provide the expertise you need to help you with your PFAS analysis.