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GL-Tip Desalting Spin Columns


Desalting Phosphopeptide-Enriched Samples

GL-Tip™ SDB and GL-Tip™ GC Desalting of TiO2-Enriched Samples Prior to LC/MS Phosphopeptides isolated using TiO2-based medias are typically desalted prior to analysis by LC/MS, typically using a C18 (hydrophobic) micropipette tip.. GL Sciences’ SDB (styrene divinylbenzene) and GC (graphite carbon) centrifugeoperated micropipette GL-TipsTM retain more hydrophobic and hydrophilic peptides, respectively, than C18-based tips.

Highly Retentive for Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Peptides

GL-TipTM SDB are more hydrophobic than C18 medias and allow retention of a wider range of phosophopeptides with high yield, allowing more accurate analysis of phosphopeptide species present in the sample. GL-TipTM GC retain many more hydrophilic phosphopeptides than does C18; by using a combination of GL-TipTM SDB and GC, almost all peptide samples can be de-salted without sample losses due to lack of retention. Easy to Operate Phosphopeptide-enriched samples are easily loaded, washed, and eluted using the same centrifuge-based technique used with Phos-TiO tips.


4 Items

GL-Tip SDB-SCX 96/pk

Item number: 7510-11202
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GL-Tip SCX 96/pk

Item number: 7510-11203
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