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GL Sciences’ InertSep SPE products contain sorbents and are created using the same advanced silicas and bonding technologies like those used to create Inertsil HPLC packings. Therefore, InertSep SPE cartridges and 96-well plates show exceptional purity, excellent reproducibility, high recoveries/low non-specific binding, low- to non-existent backgrounds from reagents used to manufacture the column housing, and rigid durability over a wide pH range.

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SKU# 5010-66480
SKU# 5010-62765
SKU# 5010-66482
SKU# 5010-66442
SKU# 5010-66471
SKU# 5010-65795
SKU# 5010-66481
SKU# 5010-66462
SKU# 5010-66486
SKU# 5010-65805
SKU# 5010-66492
SKU# 5010-27418
SKU# 5010-27525
SKU# 5010-62725
SKU# 5010-65825
SKU# 5010-66491
SKU# 5010-27537
SKU# 5010-27331
SKU# 5010-66450
SKU# 5010-66461
SKU# 5010-10050
SKU# 5010-10051
SKU# 5010-10052
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